Hello and welcome to AE8Q.com, my name is Ed. I am an experienced hardware and software engineer and avid Amateur Radio nut case.

I was first licensed in 2014 and operated under the callsign KD8YQQ until March 2022 when I changed my callsign to AE8Q. I like to operate in a variety of modes, plus I enjoy highly technical projects, antenna building, occasional rag chew and whatever else the wind may blow in.
— My Radios —
Yaesu FT-991a
Anytone 878UV
A couple of hot spots and DVSwitch Server
— Amplifier —
Restored Heathkit SB-200
— Antennas —
DIY Off Center Fed Dipole at 36 feet (80m to 10m)
Diamond X510HD (2m/70cm),
Chamelon MPAS 2 Vertical for Portable work
— Interest —
Currently, I am interested in Home brew equipment and am working on a home brew 1000W (plus or minus) tube amplifier build that I call “The Borg”. Also, working on conversion of an MFJ-989C to auto tune…. It will be a while, but I plan to post progress as I work on it.
— Where can you find me —
I spend most of my time on HF these days and am frequently found on NATA , OMISS (#14454), and POTA. Sometimes I have been known to be “causing trouble”, on Talk groups 3172575 and 313966 (DMR) , OhioLink (YSF), 145.170 Mhz (Delaware OH) .
I am a big supporter of Parks on the Air (POTA), usually you will find me hunting, but occasionally activating one of the Ohio State Parks.
This site is for projects and radio related things that I find interesting at the moment. From time to time I may invite guests to write posts and talk about projects they are working on. Any feedback is accepted and encouraged.
To contact me, please use the contact form below