The is the second of a 2 part series detailing assembly and installation of the Harbach PM-200 replacement board for the Heathkit SB-200. Part 1 can be found here.

Amateur Radio and Anything Technical
The is the second article in a 2 part series detailing assembly and installation of the Harbach PM-200 HV power supply board for the Heathkit SB-200.
The is the second of a 2 part series detailing assembly and installation of the Harbach PM-200 replacement board for the Heathkit SB-200. Part 1 can be found here.
This is Part 1 of a 2 part series showing the construction and installation of the Harbach PM-200 Replacement Power Supply in the Heathkit SB-200.
Recently I purchased a used Heathkit SB-200 amplifier from the DELARA radio club and after letting is sit on a shelf for a few months, I fired it up and immediately noticed problems. With a fair amount of troubleshooting, I discovered the HV power supply board was definitely not up to snuff.
Continue reading “A New High Voltage Power Board For the Heathkit SB-200”I recently purchased a used Heathkit SB-200 from the DELARA Radio Club. After letting it set around unused for a number of months unused, I experienced some pesky SWR issues on the ICOM-7300.
After posting the Winlink HF Ardop – An Illustrated Guide I received feedback from multiple hams having difficulty getting Winlink Express to key the radio. Below is a quick addendum to the guide.
Continue reading “WinLink HF Ardop – FT991a Transmit Addendum”Recently I was ask to put together a presentation for the Delaware Amateur Radio Association (DELARA) regarding Pan adapters. Slides are included below.
Continue reading “What is a Panadapter? An in-depth look”A setup guide for configuring Winlink Ardop over HF
If you are new to Winlink Express, performing the initial setup can be a daunting experience. Here is a quick start guide to get you on the HF bands using Ardop Winlink.