The is the second of a 2 part series detailing assembly and installation of the Harbach PM-200 replacement board for the Heathkit SB-200. Part 1 can be found here.

Amateur Radio and Anything Technical
The is the second article in a 2 part series detailing assembly and installation of the Harbach PM-200 HV power supply board for the Heathkit SB-200.
The is the second of a 2 part series detailing assembly and installation of the Harbach PM-200 replacement board for the Heathkit SB-200. Part 1 can be found here.
I recently purchased a used Heathkit SB-200 from the DELARA Radio Club. After letting it set around unused for a number of months unused, I experienced some pesky SWR issues on the ICOM-7300.
After posting the Winlink HF Ardop – An Illustrated Guide I received feedback from multiple hams having difficulty getting Winlink Express to key the radio. Below is a quick addendum to the guide.
Continue reading “WinLink HF Ardop – FT991a Transmit Addendum”Other than getting a bit of rain which caused us to pack up much earlier than expected, it was an outstanding and fun day today.
We operated two stations for 3 hours and 15 minutes and made 201 contacts using the K8ES club callsign.
Continue reading “8/14/2022 POTA – Delaware State Park”If you are familiar with Parks On the Air , and never performed a park activation, you are missing out. This weekend, I was involved with activating Alum Creek State Park (K-1933) along with KE8QPI, N8QL, and W8MDC. This was the first time any of us had ever performed an activation, so we considered this a “Dry-Run” to learn the ropes, hang out, and make some contacts.
Continue reading “An Amazing POTA with Friends”A setup guide for configuring Winlink Ardop over HF
If you are new to Winlink Express, performing the initial setup can be a daunting experience. Here is a quick start guide to get you on the HF bands using Ardop Winlink.
A powerful 5W digital only transmitter from QRPLabs
My build notes for a “Digital only” QRP transceiver kit for sale by QRPLabs. It operates on 80M, 40M, 30M and 20M, and comes with a built in USB Soundcard.